进口**高压电磁阀||工作原理||价格||厂家||生产||应用||选型||图片 美国欧可OKE**高压电磁阀由中国深圳日立阀门有限公司总代理 美国欧可OKE阀门在**市场质量较认可阀门**之一 关于进口**高压电磁阀资料与选型、咨询与订购请联系我们! 美国欧可应用范围: 高压电磁阀用于各种中温、高温、常压、高压场合,适用与中高温热水、导热油、高温蒸汽、饱和蒸汽及过热蒸汽等管路的自动控制;**、航天、船舶重工、核工业、石化、电力、化学、轻工、机械、科研、给排水、消防、清洗设备、喷泉、管道介质自动化控制等领域。是自动化控制工程、项目改造及设备配套的可以选择产品。 美国欧可产品特点: 世界**、**高压力;活塞结构、性能稳定;密封性好、开关迅速;专制线圈、不易烧毁;较高压力可做到300MPa。 美国欧可主要技术参数: ◆通径范围:DN1~DN300。 ◆压力等级:PN80~300Mpa。 ◆控制方式:常开、常闭、自保持式。 ◆电源电压: DC12~220V; AC24~380V。 ◆阀体材质:不锈钢。 ◆适用介质:水、气、油、腐蚀流体等。 ◆温度范围:(-200、-50)~(+120、+200、+250)。 ◆介质粘度:小于50C St(大于时需定制)。 ◆防护性能:防尘、**、防爆。根据工况选择。 ◆接线方式:接线座式;引线式;插头式。 ◆连接方式:法兰、焊接、内螺纹(外螺纹和特殊接口可定做或加转接头)。 USA and Europe can Applications: High-pressure solenoid valves for a variety of medium temperature, high temperature, high pressure, high-pressure situations , apply with the hot water , oil , high-temperature steam, saturated steam and superheated steam piping and other automatic control ; military, aerospace, shipbuilding Heavy Industry , nuclear industrial , petrochemical, power , chemical , light industry, machinery, research , drainage, fire protection, cleaning equipment , fountains , pipes media automation control and other fields. Automation control engineering , project supporting reconstruction and equipment of choice. USA and Europe can Features: The world's first ultra-high pressure ; piston structure, stable performance ; tightness, switch quickly ; authoritarian coil , easily burned ; maximum pressure can be 300MPa. USA and Europe can be the main technical parameters : ◆ diameter range : DN1 ~ DN300. ◆ Pressure rating : PN80 ~ 300Mpa. ◆ Control: Normally open, normally closed , self-sustaining type . ◆ Power supply voltage : DC12 ~ 220V; AC24 ~ 380V. ◆ Body material : stainless steel. ◆ Applicable medium: water , gas, oil , corrosive fluids . ◆ Temperature range: ( -200 , -50 ) ~ ( +120 , +200 , +250 ) . ◆ medium viscosity : less than 50C St ( greater than to be customized ) . ◆ Protection Performance: dust, water , explosion . Select the condition according to . ◆ Wiring: Wiring pedestal ; Leaded ; male . ◆ Connection: flange , welding, thread ( male and special interfaces or add custom adapter ) .Undo editsCancelIs this translation better than the original?Yes, submit translationThank you for your submission. Please help Google Translate improve quality for your language here. Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market FinderDrag and drop file or link here to translate the document or web page. Drag and drop link here to translate the web page. We do not support the type of file you drop. Please try other file types. We do not support the type of link you drop. Please try link of other types. Turn off instant translationAbout Google TranslateMobilePrivacyHelpSend feedback Click to edit and see alternate translations Drag with shift key to reorder. x Chinese (Simplified) - PinyinWubiZhuyinCangjieChinese (Traditional) - PinyinCantoneseHide Keyboard